Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GDG Artist Spotlight - Laura Galbraith

This week, we talk to GDG's Laura Galbraith, one of our members from the East Coast! Keep an eye out for more of her amazing artwork in upcoming shows and in one of GDG's many upcoming projects!

Welcome to the Girls Drawin Girls Spotlight, Laura!

1. What's your name? 
Laura Galbraith

2. Where are you originally from, and where do you live now?
I’m originally from
Miami, FL, but am now living and working in Brooklyn, NY

3. What do you do for a living when you're not drawing sexy pinups?
Creating web designs for magazines and occasionally doing some drawings for them! It’s not all that bad, helps pay the rent and keep me fed!

4. What's your favorite medium to work in? 
My favorite medium of choice is the… *gasp* ballpoint pen. I LOVE ballpoint pens, and although I usually use sumi ink or a brushpen to create finished inked drawings, there’s no other feeling that compares to scribbling with a ballpoint pen! Plus, I love the indentations it leaves on the paper if you use lots of pressure, giving it a sort of embossed look.

5. Why do you think the pinup girl has such a timeless, wide appeal? 
In the past pinups were definitely geared more towards men, to create a sort of ‘tasteful’ porn that could be shared with friends and subtle enough to be shown in public. I love that it’s evolved into a sort of womens empowerment movement, as the pinups in the present seem to not just glorify the female body, but also showing them as a figure of power and not just a ‘tease’.

6. Define what "sexy" means to you.
Sexy is everything about showing confidence, and a feeling of a control, but making it seem effortless. A bit of mystery as well..

7. What's your biggest goal/ambition as an artist? 
Getting my work out into the world and seen by as many people as possible! I love it when people view my work and have such strong emotional responses to the subject matter. Just making that emotional connection between my art and strangers is what really drives me to keep creating work.

8. Why do you like drawing ladies?
The fact that I am a lady is probably one of the biggest reasons. I like relating to the experiences I’ve had in my life through my art, and I feel like I do that best through my drawings of women. All of them may look different, but they all are different parts of me.

9. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? 
Hmm… I’d say anywhere really! I have so many countries on my list… Definitely a few of my favorites:
India, Iran (probably not going to be able to visit here for a few years..), Spain, Turkey, and Paris 

10. Name three artists who have influenced you and/or you admire.

Just three??? Well, I’ll just go with the three most recent ones for now, which would have to be Diela Maharani, Saddo and Lisa Evans. (I covered them in my blog here:  where I’ve been trying to list all my inspirations) Of course, I have the usual traditional artists that I love like Klimt, Mucha, so on so on… but the three I listed above are more recent artists that have been a huge inspiration to me with their use of color, texture, and just… awesomeness… 


Thanks Laura!!
Check out more of her work at her website:

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