Monday, November 26, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Liz Heck - Interview

1. What is your own personal take on what makes a woman sexy and how do you translate that into your pin up art? Confidence is the key to being sexy. When you exude true confidence, you say to the world- I like me, so you should too! I can always tell if a drawing is going to be successful when I truly like it while I'm working on it. Of course, not everyone will like it, but the fact that I enjoyed myself while I was drawing it and I am proud of the result is what makes it a successful piece.

2. You have a popular tumblr site featuring your adorable and quite funny comics, how did you get started in the realm of comics? I started my Tumblr site last year as my New Year's resolution. I have always enjoyed drawing comics, but felt frustrated whenever I tried to draw them. I didn't know what I wanted to say, or how to be funny, or what to draw. My husband convinced me start a blog, and reminded me that sometimes you need to do the work in order to find the results. Eventually, I started to find my own voice and figure out what I wanted to say.

3. What have been your personal obstacles to overcome as a professional woman artist? As a professional woman artist, it's very important to me that I be taken seriously. I think in a male-dominated field, women sometimes get special treatment. This is not to say that all or even most men in animation treat women differently, but it does happen, and it has always been important that I stay employed and am respected by my coworkers for my hard work alone.

4. Where do you get your inspiration? When I started doing these comics, my inspiration came mostly from animals and their unique traits. Then, as I did more, I started to pay more attention to people and how they interact. Now, I get inspired by funny things that happen in conversation, things I see while I'm driving to work, or walking my dogs, or on TV- just stuff that happens all around me. 

5. What advice would you have for girls aspiring to take on an artistic career? My advice for women aspiring to take on an artistic career is do the work and don't give up! I have failed a million times in my career, or when I was working towards my career, and I still fail all of the time. It's important to keep working and believe in your abilities. Great things come from that! 

And visite her blog : 

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