Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Angel Food Cake

For the upcoming GirlsDrawinGirls dessert book, I was assigned, "Angel Food Cake". After much of the usual procrastination, I came up with a concept quickly and started building it in Illustrator. Everything was going fine until I got to the color of the background. Which one to pick?

First we have the gold background:

Then there's the greenish background:

And then a reddish background:

Decisions, decisions....



Ashly Picazo said...

I think I'm leaning towards the yellow. The red is all right too, and not the green one, that one just doesn't seem to fit as well as the other two.

Kassandra Heller said...

My vote is for the yellow! The other backgrounds are too distracting from your beautiful illustration! I love this btw!

RedDiabla said...

Thanks, all!

It looks like the gold/yellow background is winning by a landslide!
