Thursday, March 31, 2011

I don't even

After getting tons of love for sketch #3 and coming to terms with my personal love for #1 (as well as issues I had with #3 not making as much sense below the waist), I tried consolidating what I felt were the stronger aspects of both into one drawing. I liked the tension in 3, as well as the attitude, but I felt that extended leg in 1 was super necessary (floating amputee lah??) and read better. So this happened, and I've been looking at it for so long I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore. TIME TO STEP BACK.

Also, sunglasses: yes/no?


Ashly Picazo said...

looking good. I think if you are going to have her winking, don't put in the glass. otherwise, great job!

Zorilita - Mary Bellamy said...

Not digging the glasses on her face. Maybe have them up in her hair?

Jess von I said...

I agree with Ashly :)
Wink, no glasses, no wink, glasses. Can't wait to see it colored!!

Erin Greener said...

Passes on glasses

Sasha Palacio said...

I agree with Zorilita, the glasses in the hair seems better, because her face is already so expressive, you don't want to cover it. And it would have the viewer's eye flow around from her mouth to her eyes, then glasses. Great piece overall, I love the pose and movement!

kgwa said...

Thanks, all! :D

Anonymous said...

Actually, I kinda like the glasses. I always thought it was such a cute thing to see, when people have their spectacles sliding down their nose, and they look up at you (just like in your image there)
